ALICE (Academic Leiden Interdisciplinary Cluster Environment) - high-performance computing (HPC) facility of the partnership between Leiden University and LUMC
Academic Leiden Interdisciplinary Cluster Environment - high-performance computing facility of the partnership between Leiden University and LUMC
Academic Integrity Committee
Submit a complaint to the committee if you suspect a violation of scientific integrity
Academic integrity
Guidelines based on the principles laid down by the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
Archiving and publishing data
Research output may also include data sets: how to archive and publish your research data
Assessment by Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee can advise you and assess your research proposal for ethical issues
Assessment by Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee can advise you and assess your research proposal for ethical issues
Build a Consortium
Advice on where to start and how to set up successful collaborations and networks
Bulk storage for research data 🔐
Request bulk storage of research data not requiring high throughput
CLARIAH (Common Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) - large collections of digital data as well as innovative and user-friendly applications for data processing
Central Authority for Scientific Procedures on Animals (CCD)
Information on regulations, licenses & permits for animal experimentation
Checklist - to apply or not to apply?
Decision tool that helps you to decide whether or not to apply including important Do's and Dont's
Collaborations with industry or societal partners
Information about identifying partners & types of collaborations to construct research consortia
Collections & Archives
An overview of digital collections, subject guides & databases of the Leiden University Libraries
Communication on your PhD defence
Finishing your PhD? Submit a public summary to the university website and the communication department
Confidential counsellor
If you are unsure about submiting a complaint or if you have other concerns to discuss in confidence, contact one of the confidential counsellors on academic integrity
Consortium and grant agreements
Information on consortium and grant agreements 🔐
List of financial controllers at different faculties & institutes 🔐
Copyright on publications
The Copyright Information Office provides information on copyright along with useful links for authors and teachers
Course guides
Data Management Regulations
University regulations on the management, storage and provision of research data
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Information on processing personal data
Data Protection Officers
List of data protection officers at your faculty/institute
Data management in grant applications
Advice on how to write a section on data management in your grant application
Data management plan (DMP)
All information about your data, including online help and courses
Data storage
Request storage space or data recovery on the university network
Departmental Email
Access your departmental email; email forwarding policies and setup
Digital Lab
A place for staff and students at Humanities to work, experiment and find support for their digital research
Digital collections
EU Ethics review
How to pass the Ethics review 🔐
Education Grants
An education grant may be available for collaboration with universities outside The Netherlands. This webpage contains information about the available grants, application procedures and where to look for help and advice.
Experts in the media
How to improve your findability as an expert for the media and others
FAIR data and software
Best practices and support on how to make your data and software FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)
Faculty collections
File transfer with SURFfilesender
Share large files with collaborators using SURFfilesender free of charge
Financial administration
Information on projects relating to second and third income streams, research funding, (financial) project management, VAT, and invoicing
Find databases
Grant awarded
Steps to take once you have been awarded your grant 🔐
High Performance Computing (HPC)
Test and run computationally extensive calculations
ICT Workplace
ISSC can help you with computers, printers and accessories like tablets or external hard drives
Lab safety at FSW
Rules & protocols to ensure safety when working in a laboratory
An overview of laboratories from different faculties
Laboratories of Archaeology
An overview and contact details of all laboratories at Faculty of Archaeology
Laboratories of LUMC
An overview and contact details of all laboratories at LUMC
Laboratories of Science
An overview and contact details of all laboratories at Faculty of Science
Launching your project to a wider audience
The communication department of your faculty can advise you on communicating your project from start to finish
Long-term data retention
Satisfying the long-term data retention requirements
Media guide for scientists
Practical help and advice on preparing for a media appearance
Digital resources for networking, computing and data management that facilitate the collaboration among research communities