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Research Support Portal

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After your research

Learn about financial reporting, archiving and publishing research data, legal advice, and more.

At the end of the project you might need to provide a final financial report. Contact your local financial contact point for help and advice.

Financial administration

During your research project you have probably collected data. Your local data management support staff or the Center for Digital Scholarship can help you with specifics of archiving and publishing this data.

Research data management checklist

Archiving and publishing data

Long-term data retention

Research data services catalogue

You might have collected some personal data. The privacy office can help you determine what data you can keep and for how long.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Privacy Office

After your research you might share data and materials with other parties. The legal department of Luris can help you set up the appropriate contracts.

Legal Support for research contracts

Luris contract tool

When sharing and publishing your results it is always good to keep academic integrity in mind.

Academic integrity

During your research project you might have created some intellectual property worth protecting and commercializing. Luris can help you with the entire process, from patenting to setting up a business.

I have an invention, what should I do?

Patents and patenting process

Collaborations with industry or societal partners

Who owns my intellectual property?

Naturally, you would also like to publish your results.

Archiving and publishing data

Copyright on publications

Leiden University Press (LUP)

Open access publishing has become the norm and the Center for Digital Scholarship can guide your through this process.

Open access publication: flowchart

Open access agreements with publishers

Some results might even have more impact when shared with a larger audience.

Your research in the media

Experts in the media

Public science events

Through ORCID you can add the publication to your personal overview.

ORCID (Author ID)